Horizen Mining Pools: Ultimate Guide

There are plenty of options when I speak about Horizen mining pools, formerly known as ZenCash pools. In this article you will find information about the distribution of Horizen pools, their usage and even information how to create one and profit from it. I know that there are difficulties related with those subjects and mixed information online, that’s why I have collected all the answers for you and summarized them here. Keep reading to explore all potential ways to earn more money while being part of a mining pool, plus estimating it with the help of my profit calculator.

General Information
Horizen (ZEN)

1.00000000 ZEN

Total Hashrate: N/A
Difficulty Level: N/A
Block Time: 2 min 30 sec
Actual Block Reward: 6.25 ZEN

Best Horizen Mining Pools

Mining is all about profitability, that’s why it is important to be aware of all the changes and new tendencies in the crypto world. This will assist you in staying flexible and join the most profitable and reliable ZEN pool. I will recommend you choose one with bigger market share, even though the fee charged could be a bit higher than the other pools. This way you will ensure stable, but smaller income. I consider bigger Horizen mining pools more reliable, where the size is tightly related to higher hash rate and faster mining process. Of course, you can choose to go ahead with a smaller one. That move would increase the amount of your payoff but will reduce the frequency of it. There is no right or wrong decision, it’s about picking the one that you find most suitable for yourself.

If you want to maximize your chances of profiting, take a look at the best Horizen mining pools, which I have placed in the table below as comparison:

Pool Website Market Share/Hash PWR Server Locations Reward System Pool Fee Get all Details
24 %
24 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last N shares)
Read Review
18 %
18 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last N shares)
Read Review
4 %
4 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last N shares)
Read Review
3 %
3 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last n shares)
Read Review
2 %
2 %
  • PPLNT (pay per last N shares)
Read Review

*Data is not a constant and steady value.

There are several factors that will indicate the perfect match for you. First, and most importantly, you need to pay attention to the hash rate of the Horizen pool. That is the accumulated power of all miners, how fast they process the information. The higher the hash rate is, the more frequent your income will be. In second place I have the server location, this is related mainly with the internet speed. It’s always best to check your ping before you join any mining pool. At third place is the fee, which is usually different, depending on the provider of the service. I will recommend you join a bigger Horizen mining pool, even though the fee could be a bit higher than the others.

I have prepared a detailed explanation on all factors influencing your decision for a pool and also covered the different types of reward systems.

List of Mining Pools Without Registration

Usually joining a pool requires registration, meaning you need to create an account by providing username, password and email. This way you will receive daily reports of your progress. You can execute this process with the same success, but without having to share such data with the provider. In that line of thought, let’s have a look at your best alternatives for joining a Horizen mining pool:

Name Fee Pool Url Worker Password
0.5% eu1.zhash.pro:3057
Your Wallet Address Any
0% eu1.zenmine.pro:9009
Your Wallet Address Any
1% asia-zen.2miners.com:3030
Your Wallet Address Any

They look like every other mining pool, because they are alike. You can connect straight to the server, without going throw your account, by simply adding a few lines of code into your software. Since Horizen is minable with ASIC and GPU, I have covered both connection options. The only difference is that ASICs have preinstalled software, which requires logging in to the ASIC’s software page and copy/paste the quick start pool URL configurations bellow. As for GPUs, those cards need a mining program, which you should have downloaded and installed on your computer. Then, run it and type in or copy/paste the following commands, depending on your choice. This way, the ZEN mining pool will detect your workers and will be able to send you rewards to your wallet address, without you even loading its main webpage. Here is everything you need to use:

How to Calculate Profits from ZEN Pool Mining

Let’s do the math now! I have developed a smart ZEN calculator, with which you will be able to quickly check the overall prediction of your profits and costs, according to the variable nature of the numbers used. All there is for you to do is fill in the hash rate, electricity cost, power consumption and of course the Horizen mining pool fee. Then, just click calculate and its done.

In case you decided to proceed with Cloud mining, the calculator is clever enough to assist again but, in this case, you need to add only your hash rate and pool fee, since you are about to rent the mining gear from a 3rd party.

Let’s check the results now! You can see your approximate profit and cost for different time frame such as days, months, years. In case you do cloud mining it’s the same, but you need to consider the subscription fee that you will pay to the service provider. The most profitable option will be the one, covering your subscription fees. Play with the numbers, try different options and choose the one which is most cost effective and most rewarding of course.

Mini Mining Profit Calculator

Estimated Income and Profits for Horizen Mining

Keep in mind that due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, all values provided by the calculator are estimates.

How to Setup Your own Horizen Mining Pool

So far so good! What about creating a pool of your own? It is tricky, time consuming and you will need technical skills to complete that task, but as you’ve probably already guessed, it could be very profitable! That’s because you collect fees from all participants in the pool. If you want to see how it’s done in practice, you can check the video guide here:

Step by Step Video Guide for setting up Your own Horizen Pool
Minimum Requirements
  • CPU – minimum of 2 cores
  • RAM – at least 4 GB
  • 500GB of free hard drive space for storing the entire blockchain of the coin
  • Unlimited bandwidth – you’ll be providing full-node blockchain synchronization
  • Public IP address – static

In addition to all the above, you will need some basic skills of Linux administration and bash scripting as well. Be advised, that it will be necessary to upgrade your hardware when the number of miners is increasing. Here comes the moment of renting a VPS and only configurating the software, that goes with it.

Locations of the Horizen Pools

Horizen mining pools are spread all around the world, the majority of which are stationed in USA followed by European countries like France, Germany, Netherlands. You can also find such in Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan. Usually the electricity cost and high-speed internet connection are the leading reasons for the location of a pool. They are most important for the miners and their performance, not so much for the pool itself.

Pool Distribution (calculate by blocks) Pie chart with comparison of the Horizen pools based on mining power
Pool Hashrate Share

Evolution of Horizen Mining Pools

ZenCash was launched on the 30th of May 2017 as a result of the chain split of ZClassic. In the end of summer 2018, the company rebranded and changed name to Horizen, saving the same ZEN abbreviature. The algorithm used is called Equihash which is typical for the whole Z family.

The evolution in Horizen’s codebase is aimed primarily at enabling secure communications and resilient networking. It enables secured global messages, persistent file storage and private economic activities. It also provides strong protection against DDoS attacks and spamming. Horizen is the first cryptocurrency with fully end-to-end encryption at the node and internode level. Also, shielded transactions are fully encrypted, the amounts are hidden on the block chain which makes this coin completely untraceable, no matter if mined in a pool or simply transferred.

VARDIFF is short for Variable Difficulty. This mechanism adjustes the amount of shares distributed to you, depending on your hash rate. Please note that the values can rise and fall dramatically and do not really affect your earnings. The aim is to optimize the workload among miners.

In relations with the mining pools for Horizen, there are more than 25 different options that you can easily explore on the official ZEN website. The fees usually vary between 0%-2% according to the current market state. This coin and its pools are striving to be one strongly secured and stable community, based on foundation of privacy and confidentiality.


What is a ZenCash mining pool?
Since Zencash is newly branded to Horizen in the end of this summer, this is simply a Horizen mining pool.
Which algorithm is Horizen using?
The algorithm is called Equihash and its typical for the whole Z family of coins.
How to connect to a Horizen pool?
You’ll need the pool stratum address and port number, they are listed in the info page.
Is it possible to use hash rental or cloud mining?
Yes, it’s possible, some of the cloud mining and hash rental services support Horizen’s algorithm such as MiningRigRentals and NiceHash.
What is the ZEN mining pools reward systems?
It is a standard rewarding system, usually PPLNS (Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares) rewards. Keep in mind that depending on the external and internal improvements those rewarding system could slightly change upon time.
What is the block reward of ZEN?
Currently is 8.75 ZEN per block, but with the time it will be reduced. The next halving is expected around the year 2020.
What is the total hash rate of Horizen (Nethash)?
Up to this date is 107 Mh/s. The nethash is not static value, bear in mind that its changing according to the market changes.

Alexander May

With consistent industry knowledge and a proven track record in implementing strategic mining pool diversification strategies, Alexander is a passionate supporter of cryptocurrency mining. He stands behind the idea of building decentralized economies to alleviate global inequality.