Expanse Mining Pools Review

You can earn a lot from mining Expanse and the most profitable way to do it so far is to become a part of a big and reliable pool. The whole idea of pools is to combine the hashing power of all members which will multiply the hash rate. This will lead to the solving of much more blocks. Miners then get rewarded, depending on the payout system. If you want to win the full reward for yourself, your option is to mine solo, but it might take you months, even years to win a payout.

Optimize your coin’s profitability by picking the most suitable mining pool for you. You will also be able to predict how much you’re going to earn, using the profit calculator. Keep on reading to find out more about the best Expanse mining pools and how to join them.

General Information
Expanse (EXP)

1.00000000 EXP

Total Hashrate: N/A
Difficulty Level: N/A

Best Expanse Mining Pools

The easiest way to be profitable is to join some of the biggest Expanse mining pools. Size is meant more in the sense of high hash rate levels, which will increase the efficiency with which a new block’s equation is solved. For those of you, who prefer to be getting paid frequently, big EXP pools are just the place to be. You will have to pay a small price for this which will be in the shape of a fee. Take a look at my table showing you a comparison of the best mining pools for Expanse, which will guarantee you a stable income.

Pool Website Market Share/Hash PWR* Server Locations Reward System Pool Fee Get all Details
  • PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares)
Read Review
  • PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares)
Read Review
  • PPSW (Pay Per Share Weight)
Read Review
  • Prop (Proportional)
Read Review

*Estimations with those variables are not constant.

The market share, server locations, reward systems and the fee are not the only key factors that make up a pool. To familiarize yourself with the rest of them check out my guide on “how to choose the right mining pool”. Knowing the different features might help you make the best decision in accordance with your needs and preferences.

Now, let’s focus more on one of the most significant components – the reward system. It’s what helps determine how the reward will be divided between all contributors. As you can see from the chart above, pools have different types of payouts and there are also several more that are not included in the list. To find out what all of them offer, just visit the Mining pools reward systems guide.

To avoid any unpleasant situations, like malfunctions and connection losses affecting your mining, I recommend you register in more than just one pool. This way in case of an issue with your first choice, you can directly switch to the next one in line and so on.

List of Mining Pools Without Registration

It’s possible to join some Expanse mining pools without having to register in them. In a registration process you provide some information and give out your email address. Some people don’t like to provide personal data to the network, and the trick here is that you don’t log into the official website of the chosen pool. I have made a table, comparing the three top EXP pools that don’t require registration:

Name Fee Pool Url Worker Password
2% EU: europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20565 US: us-east.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20565 ASIA: asia.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20565 Your Public Expanse Address Any
1% EU: exp.2miners.com:3030 US: us-exp.2miners.com:3030 Your Public Expanse Address Any

Technically, they are no different than the normal mining pools. What’s special about them is that you can have the option to reach them from your private PC. Expanse is mined with GPUs, which need a software. You need to download and install the software on your computer, then, run it and type in or copy/paste the following commands, depending on your pick. Here is what you need to use:

How to Calculate Profits from EXP Pool Mining

It’s possible to calculate how much coins you’re going to mine thanks to my profit calculator. There are a few empty grids you’ll need to fill in with information of your currency, hash rate, electricity cost, power consumption and pool fee. When you’ve done that, all that’s left to do is press “calculate”.   The cloud mining profits are even easier to calculate. The required parameters are only two – pool fee and hash rate. All calculations, no matter cloud or regular mining, are relevant only for the actual moment of calculation, because they depend highly on the constantly fluctuating variables.    You can see approximately how much you will earn from joining Expanse mining pool on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. You can also check out how much you will pay for electricity and the amount of coins you will mine for each time period. When you check your Expanse cloud mining profits, just make sure they outweigh the costs. This is applicable for any other coin as well.
Mini Mining Profit Calculator

Estimated Income and Profits for Expanse Mining

How to Setup Own Expanse Mining Pool

Setting up your own pool can really help you earn even higher income than just participating in one. This is because you’ll not only receive your portion of the reward, but you also have the opportunity to collect fees from the rest of the miners. However, it is not that simple, but with some technical knowledge and some time on your hands everything is possible. In order to do it, you need to have the following basic essentials:

Step by Step Video Guide for setting up your own Expanse Pool
Minimum Requirements
  • Dual Core CPU
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 250GB of hard disk space to house the blockchain for this coin
  • Unlimited Bandwidth Usage incoming and outgoing traffic depends on how much users are connected to your pool
  • Dedicated public IP Adress for guaranteed uptime I recommend a VPS

Locations of the Expanse Pools

The Expanse pool distribution is concentrated in Europe and USA. The regulations of the countries support cryptocurrency and do a lot to help for its development. Most of the miners choose pools with locations closer to them to have stronger connection. Another important aspect is all the electricity fees and how much the internet connection costs as well.

Evolution of Expanse Mining Pools

Expanse was created without an Initial Coin Offering. The team behind it aims to be blockchain agnostic. Cutting-edge blockchain innovations and technology is part of the current and the future Expanse roadmap.

Whenever a blockchain is involved, fitting pools are always welcome. The network of this evolving coin is community oriented and listens to what people have to say.

Another interesting feature of this network is the adopted VARDIFF, which stands for Variable Difficulty. This is practically controlling the difficulty of your shares, depending on your hash rate. Please note, that your hash rate on the site may rise and fall drastically. This is more of an annoying inconvenience. It’s nothing more, due to stratum’s recalculation of the difficulty to your miner.

Last but not least, it is good to know, that most of the Expanse mining pools without registration have a monitoring option. You just type in your wallet address and keep an eye on your workers all the time without any other registration or location requirements. Mainly pools with wallet search bar have that option.

Pool Distribution (calculate by blocks)comparison of the sizes of the biggest EXP pools
Pool Hashrate Share


How to connect to an Expanse pool?
You will find the stratum address published in our page. You just have to copy and paste it in your miner’s configuration.
Is it possible to use hash rental or cloud mining?
Yes, for Expanse it is. Actually, almost every coin and pool have those options. Have a look at the Mining rigs rental and NiceHash for more specific directions.
What is the EXP mining pools reward system?
The most common one is proportional; the reward is split between all miners. What is more, each pool decides the system it’s going to use and whether it’s going to use only one.
What is the block reward of EXP?
Currently it’s 4EXP.

Alexander May

With consistent industry knowledge and a proven track record in implementing strategic mining pool diversification strategies, Alexander is a passionate supporter of cryptocurrency mining. He stands behind the idea of building decentralized economies to alleviate global inequality.