Ethereum Classic Mining Pools

If you are looking to make a good profit, mining cryptocurrencies is something worth looking into. Ethereum Classic is a really good option, as it is one of the best cryptocurrencies to mine. Your options here are mining solo or in a pool, which is much better, as your income will be much more stable, and your chances of successfully solving a block will be much higher. It’s really important to choose a pool that suits your capabilities and needs, as this will optimize your profit. You need to consider all your options, and luckily for you, I am here to help you with that decision. Keep on reading to find out all there is about Ethereum Classic mining pools.

General Information
Ethereum Classic (ETC)

1.00000000 ETC

Total Hashrate: N/A
Difficulty Level: N/A
Block Time: 13 sec
Actual Block Reward: 1.98656 ETC

Best Ethereum Classic Mining Pools

Try to join one of the biggest mining pools out there. They are safer than the rest and will provide you with more frequent income. You will recognize them by their hash rate distribution. Low limit payouts are another positive part of joining in a big pool. Just like with everything else, pools have a bit of a downside as well, in this case, the downside is the shared income. This means that the rewards from every found block are split between the participating miners. However, it’s either sharing the reward with someone or mining alone and hoping you’ll get lucky. I am well aware, that choosing the best Ethereum Classic mining pool is difficult. That is why I want to help you out in the choice, by preparing a list comparing the top 5 ETC pools:

Pool Website Market Share/Hash PWR* Server Locations Reward System Pool Fee Get all Details
45.51 %
45.51 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last N shares)
Read Review
21.85 %
21.85 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last N shares)
Read Review
4.82 %
4.82 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last n shares)
Read Review
4.26 %
4.26 %
  • PPLNS (pay per last n shares)
Read Review
4.13 %
4.13 %
  • PPS (pay per share)
Read Review

*Note – estimations and values in this field of work are not certain and constant.

You can see in the table, that the main features of a pool are its market share, server location, reward system and fee. It is good to also watch out for the algorithm the pool’s working with. Don’t register in one, as it’s pointless.

Let’s go back to the main points. There are several more factors that I haven’t elaborated on so far. Learn more about them as well, by clicking on the “How to choose the right mining pool” manual. More information on the reward systems you can find here – “Mining pools reward systems”. Have a look and pick the proper pool.

Not only one pool – you can register in several. This move will guarantee you constant mining and earnings. Imagine you have five pool registrations. The first one disconnects due to a power outage, so you continue mining on the second on the list. Let’s say it experiences a hardware malfunction. You continue to your next in line and so on.

Mining Pools Without Registration

Let’s take a deeper look into the registration part. What it is? It’s like sharing personal data. Ethereum Classic mining pools with registration require your email address and username and make statistical researches using that information. On your email, you will receive some updates, reports, additional information related to the pool, etc.

I know that there are people among you that are not fond of giving out any personal information. There is an option for you too. There are mining pools without registration. They do the same work, don’t worry. Here are the top ones

Name Fee Pool Url Worker Password
Your Public ETC Address Any
Your Public ETC Address Any
Your Public ETC Address Any

You might be wondering how you can join a pool without any registration. I have prepared the steps for you. Basically, you go through a registration, but from your private PC. You don’t even login into the pool’s main page. What matters here is your mining gear. Ethereum Classic is mined with GPUs for upmost efficiency. Once you download the GPU software, run it and use these easy quickstart configurations for each pool:

Calculating my ETC Pool Mining Profits

You can estimate your profitability in case you join an Ethereum Classic mining pool. Just try the user-friendly profit calculator. All you need to do is type in the currency, hash rate, power consumption, pool fee, and electricity cost. At the end click “calculate”.Cloud mining calculation is also possible. The parameters needed here are just two – hash rate and pool fee. Pay attention to the fact, that the calculations depend mainly on the variable nature of the numbers used. The results are 100% accurate, just for the moment of estimation.

Mini Mining Profit Calculator

Estimated Income and Profits for Ethereum Classic Mining

It is a nice touch, that you can calculate your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly profit. You can also see how much the electricity would cost you roughly and the amount of crypto you will mine for each period. When checking your cloud mining profit, just make sure your profits are higher than the costs.

Setting up Your Own Ethereum Classic Mining Pool

Best Ethereum Classic mining pools will certainly get you stable income. It is a nice idea not just to participate in one, but to own it. The pool gets some part of the reward before dividing it among the rest of the miners. This is a pretty good deal. The procedure for creating one is not that simple, but I am here to help. The main ingredient is the VPS.Don’t worry, in case you are not able to lay your hands on everything needed to set up a server, there is always the chance to rent one. There are numerous VPS providers, which will gladly rent you their server. You just have to install the mining pool software and configure it. With a few easy steps, you have avoided some unpleasant sides like hardware support, electricity bills, bandwidth, and downtimes. The Virtual Private Server requires a few things:

Step by Step Video Guide for setting up Your own Ethereum Classic Pool
Minimum Requirements
  • Dual Core CPU
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 500GB of storage space to house Ethereum Classic’s blockchain
  • Limitless bandwidth The traffic depends on the connected users and the full-node block synchronization)
  • Dedicated IP address that’s public

For those of you who don’t want to go through all the work by setting up a hardware, you can always rent a VPS. However, even in this case, you won’t be able to escape the software configuration.

Ethereum Classic Pool Distribution by Countries

The pools for Ethereum Classic (ETC) are spread all over the world. Some of the biggest pool service providers are in France, Russia, US, China, and Germany. It’s good to find a pool, with a server close to your location. The thing that indicates it is the ping information. You need to look for a smaller value for your connection to be good. Well, there are more than 30 ETC mining pools to choose from.

Pool Distribution (calculate by blocks) Pie chart with the biggest Ethereum Classic mining pools
Pool Hashrate Share

History and Future of ETC Mining Pools

Ethereum Classic is a great option for the newbies in the business. The network had been under several attacks in the past few years. The team behind it works tirelessly to handle and improve all weaknesses.

The average block time is 16 seconds and ETC itself is based on PoW consensus. There is no problem in moving this coin around the pools and wallets. It is supported by the biggest exchanges as well. You can withdraw it even in FIAT money equivalent.

Ethereum Classic mining pools allow the use of VARDIFF (Variable Difficulty), which means that the difficulty of your shares will fluctuate depending on your hash rate. Note that your hash rate on the site might change drastically.


How to connect to an Ethereum Classic mining pool?
You can find the stratum address in the pool’s page. Then you copy and paste it in your miner’s configuration.
Is it possible to use a hash rental or cloud mining to mine ETC?
Yes, both services are available to use. You pay a fee to join a pool, where you use other’s hash rate at the same time. Check the optionalities provided from Hashing24 and HashFlare to know your alternatives.
What is the ETC mining pools reward systems?
The reward systems differ, but the most common one is proportional.
What is the block reward of ETC?
Now it’s 3.88 ETC.

Alexander May

With consistent industry knowledge and a proven track record in implementing strategic mining pool diversification strategies, Alexander is a passionate supporter of cryptocurrency mining. He stands behind the idea of building decentralized economies to alleviate global inequality.