About us

The mission of the project is to collate the most comprehensive set of information about mining pools to aid users in choosing the most relevant and viable option with respect to their resources and goals. Constant data updates aim to bring the most up-to-date information delivering a reliable service people can trust. In addition, the honest reviews provide for more in-depth comparisons to be carried out.

Alexander May

Alexander’s earned a degree in Computer and Network Engineering from RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. With vast consequent experience as a network engineer, Alexander has always had his hand on the pulse of the blockchain innovation. As a lobbyist for global decentralization he supports the concept of transparent and completely accountable value exchange. His enthusiasm lead to him to invest his spare time and resources into setting up a cryptocurrency mining facility which is now currently connected with multiple mining pools and accumulating a vast array of coins. In recent turn of events, Alexander has retracted from full time employment to focus on writing about what he truly feels passionate and irrevocably connected to, namely attaining the greatest possible share of cryptocurrency using various facilitative methods.

“Throughout the years I have encountered countless obstacles in creating system for cryptocurrency mining that adequately diversifies my efforts and resources in a manner which earns me optimal returns. I want to share my knowledge about crypto mining and the various mining pools to ensure that anyone who has chosen to adopt the technology is achieving the results they deserve because this the only way they will be motivated to stay with it for the long term”